วันเสาร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564


I admit that many times the same We tend to watch quality movies often in order to uplift our spirits with content that reflects society. But a lot of times, we want pure entertainment, so we have a number of movies that we've chosen as guilty pleasure that provide entertainment without compromising on quality. Life during this period has gone over to find a fun action movie that used to affect the auditory nerve like a partner in hell. This time, they were both apart from the screen for 17 years. Come back, this time they come to claim the throne. The hottest duo with Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life tells the story of Miami police duo Mike Lowry and Marcus Burnet as they approach retirement age as Marcus becomes a grandfather. after the daughter gave birth to a grandson Marcus decided to seriously retire. After being a police duo for more than 25 years, it's also a time when a new and energetic unit, AMMO, is replacing the older police, but Mike is targeted by a killer. which actually For a hidden reason, Marcus and Mike must reunite as partners in hell again.
As an action movie, it doesn't have to be difficult to tell. through the story line in a straight line Passing through Miami cityscapes, luxury cars, inserting ear-piercing action scenes. And, of course, the jokes that the two characters bring to each other's mouths are fierce and laugh-out-loud.

The unexpected good part is that The movie's decision to expect from the dimensions of the two main characters to look more bloody from the previous installments as two stinging partners. But in this part we get to see how the movie talks about the end of being a cop in a very thoughtful way. This is probably the result of a director's shift to Adil El RB and Billal Falla, which still draws on the vibe and signatures from the previous two films without being embarrassed and directing the action scenes. The action is satisfying and fun enough.
The next part is two actors, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, who are the return of the true duo in hell. The two continued to verbalize and manage their on-screen charms unbelievably. Even though the two hadn't even been on screen for over 17 years. Especially in the case of Martin Lawrence, who is still in top form as always.
Still, we think the movie has a few interlude editing issues, resulting in less fluid sequencing and gradation in the storytelling. Many scenes that the movie build drama is quite good. But the movie cut scenes so quickly that it was almost unpredictable. personally think This is a movie inserted, separated by quite a lot of Miami scenery.

All in all, Bad Boys for Life is an awesome action movie that retains all the vibes and signatures from the first two films. Even if the director has changed, the movie comes with unexpectedly good aspects and dimensions of the characters. It might take some time to put the story up and have some trouble sequencing the story. But the fun and laughter is still in top form as always laosbet

วันอังคารที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564



“Help!” A loud scream rang out.

Caleb woke up. eyes wide open

The ferocious roar of the beast And the panicked screams that resounded suddenly disappeared. It was like an echo that suddenly disappeared.

Caleb gasped. Black eyes swept along the empty walls of the room. closed curtains and the door to the room that was locked tightly and when his eyes got used to the darkness Caleb discovered what was causing his heart to beat faster right now. It was just a nightmare.

It was just a dream -- Caleb told himself -- his eyes still wide open. while staring at the bedroom ceiling

He could feel the heart in his left chest beating slowly. Listen to the sound of his breathing slowly fading.

Caleb found him lying in bed. in the same position as before he closed his eyes last night One arm remained straight under the blanket. while the other hand was holding his delicate palm tightly

Caleb glanced at the palm he was holding. before looking at the face of the owner of that palm

Mary Gold's green eyes were staring. His full lips gave a slight smile. It was as if he had been secretly staring at him for a long time.

“Hello,” Caleb whispered to his young wife.

“Hello,” she whispered in response.

Caleb looked at the dark circles under her eyes. before asking softly, “Have you slept, Mary?”

Mary Gold did not answer.

Caleb stared at her for a long time. Decided not to investigate further. The thick hand that held her hand slid up along the slender arm. and her delicate shoulders softly

Caleb's dark eyes fixed the young wife's face -- he scrutinized her face. both rounded forehead stubborn nose and full lips in front of her -- she looked tired and weary. But the sweetness in front of Caleb felt like he was drawn closer to her -- and more -- so much that he could see the freckles on his nose. and the dazzling glow in those green eyes was clearly visible.

But then everything stopped very quickly.

At that moment, his entire body stopped. The palm that was holding onto her shoulder suddenly tensed up.

Caleb forbids himself --

Don't let him get any closer to her --

Mary Gold's green eyes continued to stare at him. As if silently contemplating his attitude -- Caleb looked at her. to feel some feelings in the other person's heart

But Mary Gold didn't ask any questions --

Silence engulfed for a long time. Until finally Caleb moved. He leaned forward to kiss her fiery red hair. Then moved down from the bed. stand up to full height He glanced at the other arm that had been stretching all night. He looked all the way to the palm that was holding the log tightly. Caleb moved his arms to allow blood to flow more easily. Eliminate beriberi and anguish Silently walked towards the door of the room.

Mary Gold's voice came from behind him --

He paused a little. His face was more solemn than before. as if gathering his own consciousness Then stepped out of the room. without turning back to look at her and silently shut the door.

The tall figure walked down a small staircase to the ground floor of the house. The hallway was still dim as well as the living room and the kitchen. The house was silent -- no sound was heard. Except for the sound of his own stairs

Ead - Aad

Caleb stepped down the last step of the stairs. When the clattering sound of the plank disappeared He stopped listening to the sounds around him again --

Suddenly, he heard some noise in the silence. It's like the groan of a wild beast -- but in a flash, Everything fell into the same silence as before.

Caleb looked at the news bulletin stacked in the middle of the living room. before walking in and exploring

It was a series of news stories arranged in a long line. like a story that has been pieced together Each issue headed the news.

The village was full of rotten stench.

The rotten smell of death

village curse

Caleb shifted his gaze to the bulletin board piece on the other side.

Flocks of migratory birds and the dead birds swarm throughout the city.

The mysterious cry of the night expected from the forest border

wild beast invade humans

Mysterious death

Until yesterday's latest news that said

The terrifying mystery of the village

At this point, the black eyes left the pile of paper in front of me. Gently gazing at the blood stained across the carpet, the wooden floor and the walls of the room.

Then he bent down and grabbed something off the floor -- Caleb slowly flicked it over the wooden floor. It was as if on purpose the liquid flowing from the thing spread throughout the area.

Caleb moved slightly closer to the window. until the moonlight shines in revealing what he held tight --

It was a human arm. cut off flooded with blood and stinks until it stings his nose

but his face remained indifferent. without fear or any consensus all he focused Only the scarlet blood was scattered throughout the area.

until Caleb was satisfied with what he had done. He threw the forearm into the corner of the room carelessly. before turning around into the original hallway One hand reached into the cloak. and grabbed a piece of tobacco

It was then that his ears heard the sound of footsteps --

Caleb glanced into the kitchen -- no one was there.

Black eyes glanced towards the door of the house. But it's still sealed as before --

The tall figure remained silent for a long time. before walking towards that door and grabbed the door latch tightly.

He remained silent for a long time. Finally let go and then slowly walked away Turned around and walked back into the living room.

Caleb stopped his footsteps in the middle of the room. Look at the corner of the old carpet on the floor. Slowly bend down and move it into place. Then he grabbed a match from his cloak. then light up the tobacco

Caleb slowly let out a gray smoke from his lips. Moved and sat down on the padded chair next to him. Black eyes swept around the living room. while placing a piece of wood beside him

There was still silence inside the house --


Tobacco smoke fills the lungs The black eyes continued to stare at the darkness in front of him. His wavy lips twitched, puffing out another gray smoke. before slowly moving his other hand into the cloak Then a voice rang out in the midst of a loud silence --

The moonlight shone through the cracked window into the room. Something was revealed in Caleb's hand. although not clear But it was enough to notice that it was a gun.

"Come out," Caleb's low, low voice said softly. but clearly loud in the room His sharp eyes stared into the pitch-dark corner of the room.

“You have five minutes,” he told the night intruder laosbet

วันอังคารที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564

The Invisible Man


During a time of terror spreading faster than the virus now, and people don't dare to leave their homes. For fear of contracting a virus that is small and floating in the air for several minutes is like an invisible hand. The powerful hand will dominate the mind. even though it might not even be there Reminds me of a movie earlier this month that I've seen but haven't released yet, like The Invisible Man.

The Invisible Man tells the story of Cecilia Kass, a young woman who escapes from billionaire genius Adrian Griffin from whom she is imprisoned until later, a hopeful Cecilia finds out. that Adrian killed himself and left a suspicious sum of money. and while Cecilia Hoping to live a normal life, she is threatened with suspicion that Adrian is probably dead. Returned in a form that she couldn't see but could sense that Adrian was still there.

Reimagining the classic plot makes us question How will this issue tell the story of the surreal invisible man? In this edition, the movie is told in a straight line and plays with creating atmosphere quite a lot. Especially in the opening scene where the movie doesn't regret the time it takes from the situation to create a thrilling punch. Before the movie takes the audience to a story as turbulent and frightening as the character Cecilia.

One thing I'd like to appreciate is inevitable. Directed by Leigh Vannell, a close friend of one of the ghost film mogul James Wan who created the Saw and Insidious franchises, he can control the atmosphere and capture the rhythm that creates it. The terrifying terror was in the punch. Both the use of a wide angle of view that allows the viewer's mind to fill the void with our own fears. It also appreciates the courage the film takes to build up the tension between scenes very well, in many scenes where the movie doesn't use the background music and only relies on ambient sound.

The next part is a more contemporary adaptation of the Invisible Man plot and draws heavily on the toxic relationship to the present moment. In addition, the performance of Elizabeth Moss, a young actress who recently received a major lead role for the first time. able to show potential scenes as a mentally ill woman in the lead role, it really invites us to pity and support until the end

All in all, The Invisible Man is a contemporary thriller that takes the raw material of the classic Invisible Man and mixes it well with toxic relationship issues. including directing and controlling the rhythm of the punch Use a wide open image and wait for our minds to fill that fear by ourselves until the fear is not lost to the character at all laosbet