To return to good form! Which target group is suitable for
Paul Inc pointed out that Rathbelle, the famous Real Madrid
wing, should go to the Reds to believe the Welsh star will be "Liverpool".
Paul Inn past, English midfielder Show the faith that Reeth
Bale, the Welsh wing of Real Madrid, the giant league at La Liga, Spain should
move with the Reds to return to show the most suitable form again.
Bel's future is full of insecurity for a long time After he
was not in the strategy of the team of Sedan, if going back several months
before the 30-year-old Shin had had news with both Manchester United, Chelsea,
Paris Saint-Germain, including Bayern Munich, the moment when in the last few
days, he became a lot of news with groups from China ufabet
Inc, who had played with Manchester United and the Reds
before, revealed "For me, if the Reds can buy him He should go and play
for the Reds to see their 3 offensive lines. The 3 of them played throughout
the summer. And how much will they rest before the new season begins? "
"Bel can play again on the right, left and middle
striker. If you try to see in a group that has enough money to buy him The
group that is right for him is the Red Swan. He needs to create a new body as a
footballer. Including having to play every week. They have (Dewok) Orici and
(Siran). Shakipari is actually in the group. Even so, are they good enough?
"Of course, he may have to pay a lot less wages. Even
though Bel is not supposed to pay attention to money. He needs to move with the
level group, which can win the championship, which the Reds rely on as the
European Cup champion (the same name of the UEFA Champions League) and they
want to win the championship. League again "
"Is there any group that has enough money to buy him?
It may be possible that Manchester City and Manchester United are sufficient to
buy him. Including I don't think Tottenham will be the right group for him Even
though I want to see him with the Reds, he can still play for 4 or 5 years. I
have the idea that he will fit perfectly. "