วันเสาร์ที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2564



Although the Norse people rarely talk about hell. But there was a Norse hell, called Nivelheimer. the land of the dead The weather was so cold that only giants and dwarves could coexist with the spirits of the dead. Hell of the Norse people is the kingdom of the goddess Hel (Hel) (the origin of Hell), he is the next important deity in the future.

Birth of a Dwarf-Elf

while the three gods help to build the world Part of the emer's flesh began to rot. and produced a group of living things

The gods therefore surveyed those beings. and then change the shape to fit the character those who act greedy Likes roaring and curving the ground ferret. can survive without the others dying God created a dwarf (Dwarf) to live in the territory of Swat Alfheim (Svartalfheim) below the surface of the Midgarder. They can dig the ground for precious minerals and gems to keep as treasures. Be careful not to show up during the day. Because just the sun needs to be skin will instantly turn into stone

while the other had no greed. They are good-hearted. has been transformed into a beautiful Light as air called Elf (Elf) has the territory Alfheim (Alfheim, land of white elves or light elves) between Asgarder. with Midgarder They had special privileges over the Dwarves. Where they live is safe and can come and play in the human world without danger Because of this, the Dwarves didn't like the Elves.

human birth

Once, the three gods Odin, Hoenir and Lodur were traveling along the beach. Accidentally found two trees floating on the beach, one was Ash and the other was Elm.

Odin broke up a branch with two branches. He cuts it into the shape of a male human doll. and human woman Odin gave him a soul. Hoder gives a feeling and loader gave life and the skin of the skin full of blood Then two branches appeared. It was a figure that was close to a god but smaller in size. The world's first human pair The man came from the ash tree Askr and the woman from the elm tree Embla. Guard

Deity's address

The gods created Asgard after their own Aesir family. Here, there was no need for war. no battle peace lasts forever As long as the god Azir rules the world

Still, the Azirites were not careless. So build a smithy to forge weapons and gradually make the parts of Asgarder bigger and bigger.

Asgarder connects to the human world. With an ice rainbow bridge called Bifrost, this bridge is formed from a frozen rainbow. It was wide and strong enough to pull out a chariot.

gecko drasil

in the middle of heaven There was a tree, an ash (Ash), named Igrasil or Yggrasil, embracing the nine worlds, heaven, human world, giant world, dwarf world, elf world, and its root

The human world is in the shadow of the branches. cloud tops in the sky The strength of the wood made the whole world stand firmly.

Uggdrazill has 3 large roots, deeply rooted. One root goes to Jotun Haymer. land of giants One root goes to Nivelheimer, the land of ice. and one root goes to Asgarder, the land of the heavenly people. The three roots make Uggdrasil It is associated with the three worlds, giants, gods, and humans, and has sucked up water from each sacred well to nourish the tree.

The roots with Asgarder emerged from the Eid Fountain. The Fountain of Youth is a fountain that the people of Heaven use to drink to keep them young. Goddess who protects the water source And is responsible for bringing water to the people of Heaven once a day, namely the Norns (the Norns), the three brothers named Erd (Past Urd), Verdandi (Present Verdandi) and Skuld (Future Skuld) are collectively called. It's not wrong to say that she is the goddess of human destiny. This is why Guggdrasil has another name. tree of destiny too laosbet

The roots later spread to Nivel Haymer The land of ice gets water from springs. Hvergelmir, with its cascading waterfalls branching out into the great rivers of the world, and the third root spread to the land of giants Obtaining water from the fountain, Mimir is the magical water of wisdom. The giants had to change the guards, not allowing anyone to easily drink.

Uggdrasil Fresh green all year and forever Although its leaves became food for some animals, there were many other animals on the tree, for example, at the top of the tree there was a golden rooster patrolling the horizon. Has a duty to warn the gods if the enemy forever prepares army pills Like a chicken, another eagle clings to a branch, looking around. This bird had a helper, a falcon, perched between its eyes.

At the root of the tree was a serpent, a needlehawker (Nidhoggr) coiled around. A squirrel named Ratatosk (Ratatosk) never stopped running up and down. between where the eagle clings to the top root Nivel Haymer Keep an eye out for the serpent from eating tree roots too much when you are tired of chewing on human corpses.

Summarized, Uggdrasil a versatile wood even the god Odin himself He used to hang on a tree for nine nights to learn the secret of death. and bring about the creation of runes It is said that the god Odin died as well. but because he had drunk the Mimir Fountain, he was able to revive it. became a tradition later A body was found in a swamp in Jutland called the Tollan human corpse. The appearance was hanged. makes him think of the sacrifice to Odin when his opponent wins the battle.)

