วันเสาร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2565

The secret of the thin puppets of the queens, ancient Chinese version.

       Nowadays, every woman wants to have a good figure. An especially lean figure, thin waist, beautiful long legs. This is my dream body >< Girls in dragon land like China are becoming very popular and giving great importance to their figure. If we open clips from the Tiktok app, dramas, series, and movies, we will notice that the famous Chinese actresses of China, besides having incomparably beautiful faces, have a beautiful faces. Their waists were extremely slender. No matter how tall you are, your weight is only in front of the number four!!

      which to get an ideal shape like this It's probably not something that can be easily followed. would require patience Have the discipline to exercise regularly and you need to control your diet. But Chinese women in ancient times gave importance to the shape of the present day as well. No matter what dynasty, every dynasty favors a delicate and cherishable girl. (except during the Tang Dynasty to be popular with girls who are a little plump and have good water, and in the Mongols-ruled dynasty, they like stubborn, strong, and healthy girls.)

      Therefore, young ladies have a way to control their bodies to look slim and without excess fat all the time. Is there any way, then let's go see.

1. Eat only one meal a day!!

      to gain favor from the emperor Many concubines tried to control their bodies by eating as little as possible or eating only one meal a day. until there is a saying that ''King Chu likes people with thin waists. In the Royal Palace, there are a lot of hungry people'', which are not just women. But the noble officials in the royal palace were with him too! because they both wanted to be trusted by the emperor To have the opportunity to advance in the job soon. Therefore, they took each other to eat a little to appease the emperor to the fullest. Some people starve to death. Some have severe malnutrition, which is very dangerous. It can be said that at that time the royal doctors would run in and run out of the palace, this palace was very busy to look at. (This method is not strongly recommended. In addition to starving to the point of being malnourished, the skin is dull and dull, not looking at all. Accidentally, my body will be so stressed that I won't let it down. - -)

2. Weight loss menu

       when he saw that starvation alone would not be dawn Therefore, try to use food that has medicinal properties to help in weight loss. It has the effect of nourishing internal organs. Diuretics and reduce swelling, such as eating cactus, green pumpkin, Sanja, lotus leaf porridge, watermelon porridge, millet porridge, carp soup, etc.

3. Buddhist version of weight loss

      Emperor Wu of the Northern and Southern Dynasties was a role model for weight loss that was quite effective at one time. Due to his great adherence to Buddhism, he often eats vegetarian food in the right amount for his body's needs. He also likes to eat vegetables very much. Some people meditate on their breathing. When the night comes, he sleeps in the early evening. Of course, the food is good. Taking a good rest like this gives Emperor Wu a youthful appearance, good looks, and longevity.

4. Sip hot tea

       Another tea that was invented for weight loss, of them was 'Peach Flower Tea', formulated by Chun Yaosi, the King of Traditional Chinese Medicine. By bringing three peach flowers to boil as tea and drink on an empty stomach.

5. Take a deep breath. Then put a cloth around the waist tightly.

      To bring the fabric band to tighten the waist like this It's similar to tying your waist with a European corset. It will give an indirect effect that the girls may eat less. At first glance, it seems that the waist is thinner as well. But for a long time, it may cause back pain and difficulty breathing.

6. Soak in warm water.

      Concubine Yang Guifei One of the four peaks of Chinese history When she took a bath, she would often soak herself in a wooden barrel filled with warm water mixed with various herbs such as rose petals, lotus leaves, mountain slag, chrysanthemum flowers, and cassia seeds. The warm water and these herbs have properties to help reduce fat. Nourish the skin to shine beautifully. In addition, it also gave Yang Guifei a very fragrant body smell. 'Mass ashamed of Nang' as well

7. Exercise, what are you waiting for?

      The way women exercise varies from generation to generation. For example, during the Qin dynasty, women could practice swords, ride horses, and shoot archery. In the Tang Dynasty, it was also an open era, so it was popular to play polo, kick a football, dance, etc royal5555

